At Ridgetop Trees, we re-generate trees via

Stump Cultures

But we need your help!

Certain tree species, especially firs, will re-grow if enough branches are left on the stump after it's cut. These re-grows are called stump cultures (see below).

Therefore, if you don't want all the branches at the base of your tree, we ask that you please leave them on the stump and cut your tree above them.

Stump cultures help you and us!

Since the tree is already established, stump cultures can produce Christmas tree-sized trees faster than the seedlings we plant every year. The stump cultures are also less susceptible to drought and extreme rain events that are becoming more problematic. Therefore, we'll have a more robust inventory for years to come!

Left: A stump culture in the process of re-growing.                 Right: A second Christmas tree from a stump culture.

Left: A new stump culture getting started.                                Right: Several Christmas trees from one stump!